Club Activities
Bunch for Lunch - Bunch for Lunch is an event that happens once a month at a member's house or the club. Each person brings a dish to share, and we spend time getting to know each other better!
Bunco - Our Bunco group meets at the club house, the 2nd Monday of the month from 6:30 till 9:00 pm. We share food and laughter. Come roll the dice.
Bridge - The Bridge group meets every 2nd and 4th Mondays at 10:30 am till 2 pm every month at the clubhouse for fun and conversation. All levels welcome!
Dining Out - The Dining Out group meets at a different local restaurant on the 3rd Thursday every month. This group includes husbands and/or friends and there is always good fellowship.
Sewing - Our sewing group meets every Thursday at 10:00 am at the clubhouse. Rain or Shine. We always need help with cutting, ironing, batting quilts, sewing quilt strips together, and more! There is something for everyone to do. You can iron, thread the bags and help bat the quilts. Everyone knows how to iron, right? We also have some crocheting going on! Join us as we have so much fun and there are always good treats to eat.
Yoga - Every Monday at 9:00 AM and Thursday at 3:00 PM at the clubhouse is a yoga class for our members! It is free and taught by a yoga instructor who happens to also be one of our amazing members! This class is for all levels of yogis who like to have fun along the way and regain their strength, flexibility, and mobility.